Liquid color dosing in injection molding and in extrusion
The compact dosing system colorDoS of HNP Mikrosysteme, developed for fast and clean color changes of liquid colors in plastic injection molding, has proven itself in production. An extension of the system for use in extrusion will be presented at Fakuma 2023. > read more

Filling of battery cells with electrolytes
Filling electrolytes into battery cells is a critical step in battery manufacturing. Small dispensing errors cause large variations in battery performance. Hermetic, high-precision dosing pumps are needed for this application. > read more

Dosing of highly viscous material for microencapsulation
Microencapsulation is becoming increasingly important in pharmaceutical,
cosmetics, food and agricultural industries. > read more

Safely and precisely delivering ammonia solution
Micro pumps continuously feed aqueous ammonia into static mixers. > read more

Employees of HNP Mikrosysteme support children and families
Donation of 2,500 EUR handed over to Peter Grosch, chairman of Tafel Schwerin e.V. > read more

Micro dosing pumps in global use against COVID-19
Automated analysis devices are the essential basis for extensive test capacities for the corona virus. > read more
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Semi-automated dosing system for more quality assurance
Small quantities in production require manual work. Precision filling with microliter accuracy, fast cycle times and effective use of resources sounds like automation. The semi-automated filling and dosing system smartDoS by HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH provides the right combination. > read more

Biochip instead of animal testing
LiquiDoS doses nutrient medium with system
New active ingredients require new tests. For ethical, economic and scientific reasons, animal experimentations are increasingly being replaced by biochips.
> read more

Optimal results in flow cytometry
Pump of HNP Mikrosysteme ensures a constant sheath flow
Flow cytometry is a highly exact measurement method for the analysis and quantification of cells and particles. The cells to be detected are transported to the measuring cell using a liquid system consisting of sample liquid and sheath flow. > read more

Controlled Dispense Module μDispense in analytical instrumentation
For the controlled delivery of smallest liquid amounts, HNP Mikrosysteme presents the Micro Dispense Module μDispense with integrated flow sensor at Compamed 2016. > read more
MoDoS® – customised dosing system in a modular concept for the fine chemistry
The Modular Dosing System (MoDoS®) of HNP Mikrosysteme is a tailor-made pump system for pilot plants and industrial research in the field of fine chemical and pharmaceutical production. > read more

High performance pump for precise application of adhesives and sealants
The precise dot and bead application of adhesives and sealants under low pulsation is one field of applications among many in mechanical engineering and the right task for high-performance pumps from HNP Mikrosysteme presented at Motek 2016. > read more
- pdf: hnpm_press_release_motek_2016-07_en.pdf
- Photo: pump_hl_mzr-7205.jpg
- Technical information: Micro annular gear pump mzr-7205

Compact Dispense Module implements a new dosaging quality in analytical instrumentation
Precise dosaging and metering of liquids in the microliter range is a demanding task in analytical instrumentation. At Analytica 2016
HNP Mikrosysteme presents the newly developed Dispense Module as a functionally versatile and interesting alternative to the commonly used syringe pump. > read more

Micro annular gear pumps for chemical processing and flow chemistry
HNP Mikrosysteme is a German-based highly innovative company with almost 80 employees. The company produces micro annular gear pumps which are ideally used where fast and highly precise dosage is required.
> read more
MoDoS® – Modular Dosing System for continuous production
The Modular Dosing System (MoDoS®) from HNP Mikrosysteme is a tailor-made pump system for continuous delivery in fine chemical and pharmaceutical production. > read more
- pdf: hnpm_press_release_modos_2015-06.jpg
- Photo: hnpm_modos.png

New high performance pump for liquid coating materials
In coating technology, it all depends on the homogeneous distribution of the coating material. > read more
- pdf: hnpm_press_release_6305_hmi_2015-03.jpg
- Technical information: Micro annular gear pump mzr-6305

Extension of the magnetic hermetic series of micro annular gear pumps
The magnetic driven, hermetic series of micro annular gear pumps has been extended with regard to size and drive options. > read more